Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Marijuana users have to change their voting habits in order to get the reform they want.

Right now we have the majority we have the votes across this nation, it’s the legislators that are holding Cannabis reform up. Guys we have to make our next few voting years count, we have to start voting based on the marijuana issue alone. Just like so many do with other issues, like gays won’t vote for a guy that will harm gay rights or keep them from getting married. Same for gun owners, they are not going to vote for anyone that would take their guns away.

We have to vote the same way, it was the marijuana/online community that got Obama elected, we did that, we were told for 4 years by Obama that he knew the war on drugs had failed, that he knew reform in some way was needed, he went on to tell us medical users would be left alone and science would be put first and laws made to reflect that science. We all heard this and we all voted for them. But we have been let down and we have been again left of the dust as issues pile in front of ours.

We have to vote for people that share our view and if that means voting for a Republican or the Green party, whoever it may be, dare we even say vote a Write In, "the Marijuana party candidate", why not? We have to show these legislators that we can and will make or break elections and they best start supporting us or finding new jobs! Just like the gays have done, the gun owners and god fearing people have done for generations, we have to put away our ability to look at all the major issues in this world and be only concerned about our main goal at this time in history. We have to narrow our issues of concern to one issue of marijuana reform and only vote based on the issue of marijuana and nothing more.

For too long marijuana users have been the supporters of so many things, we can understand Gays and their need for rights, we know gun owners have their rights, we understand global warming and pollution, we care about our planet, about green jobs and energy, we like to feed the world and to make clean water and many more things. But this time, this next few years, we need some ME TIME, we need to make our issue the top priority, we have to let all other issues set back for a bit and we have to use all our force and energy into voting for our issue alone.

We have to make a stand and show them our votes are a big part of winning any election and that they will have to speak to us and will have to explain why they do or don’t support us. Make these legislators tell the truth about marijuana and the failed drug war. Don’t give them the chance to make changes, don’t vote because you think they will support us and like their other views, no they have to support reform in some way or they will lose the election because we won’t vote for them. It may come down to a Write in, or an offbeat third/fourth party candidate, like I said write in Marijuana Reform Candidate. If there is a bunch of those votes you best believe next time someone will want those votes. 15,000 marijuana reform candidate votes in close election of a senator or congressman, 15,000 votes, OMG what would they do for all those votes? Reform Marijuana laws?

As these next voting years creep along, keep in mind, choosing the lesser of two evils just so the worst of the two doesn’t win, it’s still a win to the Prohibitionists. We have to make it known that if you support more of the same failed policies, you will lose the election; supporting reform on the other hand will get you the win! Once we all vote based on the marijuana issue alone, legislators will have to choose to support reform or support more failed policy, and they will have to say it publicly, from there it’s easy, GO VOTE!