Thursday, May 28, 2009

Reefer Madness 2009, do we really believe it?

Cannabis, Medical Marijuana, and Hemp discussions are popping up all over nowadays. We see the news clips and the online polls, Governors and Senators are talking about it, world leaders are saying to debate it, it’s everywhere. Along with the activists fighting for reform and laying out complete cases why we should be moving in a new direction, there is also the Prohibitionists declaring to Ramp up the War. It’s fair to say we have a lot of fighting to do till we come to an agreement about Marijuana.

However we do not need the Prohibitionists spouting Reefer Madness all over again, using fear tactics to impose a failed policy for another 70 years. We need most of all to educate the public, we need to let them know that what they have been told for years is just not true and that even the Head of the FBI was forced to admit that Marijuana has never killed a single person and that just happened last week. The public is sick of the lies; we have been lied too so much by big bother that we are just not even listening anymore. So here are a the top three truths about marijuana that have been turned into a scare tactics over the years.

Reefer Madness Quotes and then the Truth,

#1. "This isn’t the Pot your mother and father smoked, its x times stronger"

Wrong, marijuana levels have remained the same; however there are plant types that have higher rates of THC. So an Indoor garden, with high grade plants and grown the right way will have higher rates of THC, than a plant from 1960 growing on the side of a dusty road.

Here is the kicker that they don’t talk about; THC is virtually harmless to the human body and the higher the THC levels the less people have to use to get high. You can’t OD on pot, you can’t get any higher than high, so THC levels don’t matter, well they do because we like good weed!

So #1. False, No fear here, less smoke for the same high can’t be a bad thing!

#2. "It’s a gateway Drug"

OMG, this is the worst one, I bet they get more mothers to pee their pants than any other phrase, if you use pot you will become heroin addict! Another scare tactic we are going to crush.

The Gateway theory isn’t due to pot, its due to Prohibition, this is the part they don’t tell you, their Prohibition causes the Gateway and in turn they blame the Gateway on Pot! When you hand over control to the black market and people go to the black market seeking one item, they are going to see many items offered to them. You buy pot from a guy that happens to have Cocaine too, well chances are that someone will buy the cocaine, is the Pot why they bought cocaine or could it be because the guy that has the pot had cocaine too?

The gateway wouldn’t be there if you bought the Pot in a store for Pot, anyone buying pot wouldn’t even be near someone selling cocaine, no gateway. The gateway is caused by Prohibition not the drugs!

So #2. False, regulate it and take it out of the black market then there is no gateway!

#3. "Its harmful to society, makes you less motivated, more violent, causes crime, and impairs judgment"

I rolled a few into one point here, all of these labels are speculative, how can they even say it’s less motivating and then say it causes violence, are those two not complete opposites? More crime, no, Prohibition turns it into a crime, pot only gets people high, Prohibition turns them into criminals!

As for impaired, well no one ever said you should drive after you smoke pot, but there has been studies that prove that high drivers are safer than drunk drivers. Yes you have slowed reactions, but they found high drivers tend to slow down farther away and keep a slower overall speed, follow laws better and just drive safer. Now again I don’t think anyone should drive high, but to use this as a talking point well it’s a scare tactic again.

Listen, I know tons of folks that have great jobs and hold down their homes and families fine, yet they get high, they still function as a normal person would, they just choose to smoke pot! If these were all true then we would see a huge section of out of work, potheads all over the streets begging for money, we would have gangs robbing and stealing to get more pot to get high. We just don’t see any of that.

So#3. False, it’s a fact that pot is less intoxicating than alcohol and less harmful than tobacco, people live wonderful complete lives and they choose to smoke pot, why shouldn’t they have that right?

These are just few of many false statements put out by the Prohibitionists, they will stop at nothing to keep this group down, to control them by fear of arrest and prison, They are discriminating against this group of Americans and they know dam well they are doing it. Science has proven there is no reason to Prohibit marijuana, it all a political, it’s all a game, they are in the pockets of big brothers, many big businesses that own these legislators and in turn they keep marijuana illegal to control the public. War on Drugs, no it’s a War on Americans!

Part Two and Three to come!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What is wrong with Kentucky and its history of Hemp?

Nothing! Kentucky back in the day was the biggest producer of Hemp in the US in fact we grew Hemp for the War effort in WWII. Now we face a time when tobacco is all but gone, cattle are destroying our farm lands and hurting the environment more than they are helping. Right now Kentucky should turn back the clock and embrace our rich history of Hemp production. In fact we have a law passed in 2001 that will study hemp and its benefits. We passed that 9 years ago, but the DEA won’t let us test or run the study!

Today there is a bill in the US house that will allow for farming of Hemp and take Hemp off the DEAs radar. It only makes sense because Hemp is not Marijuana; it’s a different plant all together. Yet we have our own legislators that will try and block this bill, yes Kentucky legislators in the congress are going to vote NO on the Industrial Hemp bill!

Mr. McConnell Himself said that Hemp would cause Criminal issues and make life hard on Police. He hasn’t a clue; he thinks hemp is a drug and that it will spark problems. Our house legislators are saying the same too; they were going to vote this bill down! Everyone in Kentucky and the country should be upset at this, science Hemp could be the one way we drop our oil dependence and move into the future with Green Clean jobs and products.

Hemp is used for over 5000 uses, everything from Paper to rope and cloths to Fuel and textiles to Bio chemicals. We could make paper at a cheaper and greener way, I acre of hemp can make 5 times the paper as the same space in trees. Fuel from hemp could be used in all cars and trucks and once again Hemp produces 10 times more fuel than Corn! Food can be made from the pulp; a soy type product it could help feed the starving world. To make a shirt out of cotton you need a bunch of time and chemicals to so, Hemp on the other hand would have it done in 1/4th of the time and wouldn’t need the chemicals to produce anything!

So here we are back to the start, Kentucky and all the states grew hemp for centuries, we built this country using hemp and Washington himself said all citizens should help America grow by growing hemp. During War we put aside our Prohibition to grow Hemp and it turned out to save the war effort and didn’t produce any side effects other than more jobs and cleaner textiles. We have to return to our roots and look at the history that we have forgotten. We have to look at the facts and the facts are we cannot keep draining this planet off her resources forever and at some point in the near future, sooner than later we will need to make a choice weather to continue down a destructive dead end road, with oil and trees and coal or take a new approach with Hemp?

Kentucky is the one state that could gain so much from a booming Hemp industry and yet our own Senators and Congressman are going to take that away for us. They are there to do what we want, what we feel is best, but this time they are siding with big oil and big paper and corn lobbies trying to keep their inferior product on top. It wrong and we all know it, you all best get out your phones and start calling, because if we don’t act and act now we will be passing up Putting every farm and farmer back to work, passing on new textile jobs and factories coming to the state, and all the clean green jobs it would create.

I say Yes on Hemp, I say yes to Jobs and Fuel and Safe textiles. I say yes to saving our state and propelling it into the future! But we have to make a stand and write letters and make calls, too all representatives of Kentucky and demand they vote Yes on the Industrial Hemp Bill.

Think of all the kids that will need jobs that will have to leave the state due to no jobs then look at Hemp and tell me we don’t need to rethink our hemp laws!

End prohibition, Hemp and Cannabis alike are harmless and could produce much needed revenue and take us into the future of progress and prosperity!

Im sick of Prohibition and you should be too!

I’m so sick of Prohibition I can’t stand living in the state I’m in or the country I’m in. Everyone smokes in my state but they won’t fight for it. The federal government says Ok to letting states have medical marijuana laws yet they let other states discriminate against Americans by arresting the same suffering people with the same horrible illnesses. I medicate with marijuana, if I didn’t I wouldn’t function I would be bed ridden in unbearable pain. Even though I put myself at risk for arrest resulting in everything from losing my 4 kids to losing my home or vehicles to long prison terms, I still Medicate using Marijuana because it WORKS. Even while I fear the streets where I am forced to seek out my Medicine, with that I can’t even keep a supply on hand due to inconsistent supplies, let alone anything that would be called medicine to begin with, I still choose to medicate and function over not and being bed ridden!

For the government to allow medical marijuana in some states yet not others is just why doctors and health professionals should be in charge of deciding what works for their patients or not. Right now we let the DEA decide even how much a doctor can give of prescibable medicine, let alone Medical marijuana to boot. The federal government doesn’t know what is the best treatment for me, but my doctor does, so why do we let the DEA and police decide what medicine and how much of it will work for me? They shouldn’t and this reaches further than just the medical marijuana this treads into Patients rights and how well we are treating their illness or pain.

Right now if you go to your doctor he knows that if he gives you X amount of pill A that it will take the pain from your broken leg completely away, yet he also knows that doing so will send up a red flag to the DEA and he will have to explain why he did so. So instead he gives you Y amount of pill B, this does not cover the pain, it helps but never really takes away the pain like a pain pill should. But the doctor can go on with his day without fear his practice will get the front door kicked in From the DEA! How is this proper heath care? Well its great police work, but it sure isn’t a civilized way to treat sick and dying or in pain patients!

We need to re think our drug policies we have to stop this war on the American people and start treating drug issues through doctors and health professionals. We need to feel like the doctor is doing what is best for us not what’s best for him to stay out of trouble. I want my doctor to do what’s best not wants ok by the DEA standards. We have turned Doctors into Drug dealers, Normal people into Criminals and taken futures away from teens and kids all in the name of keeping us safe from drugs? Come on, more harm is done to everyone by this failed policy that by anything drugs could ever do. We need to face the facts and get smart about drugs and the way we treat our sick and dying Americans instead of worrying about the doctor prescribing what works worry about the true crimes being committed and start protecting and serving again instead of hunting for drugs and destroying everything in its path!

Its time to stopthis failed War on Drugs, put an end to Prohibition and stop filling our prisons with non violent drug users. We need everyone to stand up and let your legislators know, write letters and make calls, let them know to End Prohibition!